Directions and location - Hotel Aurora in Lech am Arlberg
How to get to the Hotel Aurora

Directions to Lech am Arlberg

Arriving by car

Motorway toll sticker for cars: you have to pay tolls on motorways in Austria. You can purchase the toll stickers at border points, petrol stations, post offices, tobacconist's, from your automobile association and from Lech Zürs tourist office. We will be happy to provide you with up-to-date information about the snow and weather conditions as well as any blocked roads. Please note that the Lech-Warth connecting road is not open in the winter. If you have any questions simply give us a call: Tel. +43 5583 23 54 0

Arriving by train

Langen am Arlberg train station: 17 km, regular taxi and bus connections, transfer takes approx. 20 minutes, there is a porter service available. We will be happy to organise the transfer to Lech for you (taxi company "Der Lecher". For a fee).


Arriving by plane

The nearest airports are:

  • Innsbruck (A), 110 km
  • Zurich/Kloten (CH), 200 km
  • Munich (D), 300 km
  • Friedrichshafen (D), 120 km
  • Altenrhein (CH), 100 km
  • Memmingen (D), 170 km

Airport transfers: We will be happy to organise the transfer to Lech for you. (The taxi companies "Der Lecher" or "Der Arlbergexpress" take over the airport transfer. For a fee).

We hope you have a good journey to Lech am Arlberg. We will be happy to provide you with up-to-date information about the snow and weather conditions as well as any blocked roads. Please note that the Lech-Warth connecting road is not open in the winter. If you have any questions simply give us a call:  Tel. +43 5583 23 54 0

Packages and current offers

Our Packages

3361 €

per room

Ski Perfect - 7 nights

Pure skiing holiday in Lech

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1921 €

per room

Ski Perfect - 4 nights

Pure skiing holiday in Lech

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2580 €

per room

EASTER - 7 nights

7 nights
ski pass bookable

Sunski delight on the highest level - Easter time out in Lech am Arlberg

read offer
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